Test-Driven Development with Spring Boot: Guide to Unit, Mock, and Integration Tests

In the previous blog post, we explored advanced Spring Boot architecture, delving into clean architecture and modularity. This follow-up post will focus on implementing Test-Driven Development (TDD) in Spring Boot using the Inventory entity as a practical example. We’ll clarify the differences between unit, mock, and integration testing while providing illustrative code snippets.


Before we dive into the development process, ensure you have:

  1. Java 21 installed on your system. You can install using sdkman, and select Java 21 https://sdkman.io/usage
  2. Docker and Docker Compose installed for setting up the local environment.

You can clone the https://github.com/dmakariev/examples repository.

git clone https://github.com/dmakariev/examples.git
cd examples/spring-boot/bookstore

Test-Driven Development Overview

Test-Driven Development is a software development methodology where tests are written before writing the functional code. The TDD cycle involves:

  1. Write a Test: Create a test that defines the desired behavior.
  2. Run the Test: Ensure the new test fails since the feature isn’t implemented yet.
  3. Write the Code: Develop code that will make the test pass.
  4. Run the Test Again: Verify that the test now passes.
  5. Refactor: Refine and optimize the code while ensuring the test still passes.

Types of Tests

In Spring Boot, three primary testing approaches stand out:

  • Unit Tests: Validate individual components in isolation.
  • Mock Tests: Simulate complex behavior by replacing dependencies with mock objects.
  • Integration Tests: Ensure that different components work together seamlessly.

Setting Up the Environment

The folder structure for the tests is based on a focused approach, limiting our scope to the Inventory entity. The files relevant to our discussion are organized as follows:

├── pom.xml
└── src
    ├── main
    │   └── java
    │       └── com
    │           └── makariev
    │               └── examples
    │                   └── spring
    │                       └── bookstore
    │                           ├── inventory
    │                           │   ├── Inventory.java
    │                           │   ├── InventoryController.java
    │                           │   ├── InventoryRepository.java
    │                           │   ├── InventoryService.java
    │                           │   ├── StockAddedEvent.java
    │                           │   └── StockRemovedEvent.java
    │                           └── product
    │                               ├── Author.java
    │                               ├── AuthorRepository.java
    │                               ├── Book.java
    │                               └── BookRepository.java
    └── test
        ├── java
        │   └── com
        │       └── makariev
        │           └── examples
        │               └── spring
        │                   └── bookstore
        │                       └── inventory
        │                           ├── InventoryControllerIT.java
        │                           ├── InventoryControllerTest.java
        │                           ├── InventoryRepositoryTest.java
        │                           └── InventoryServiceTest.java
        └── resources
            ├── application-integration-test.properties
            └── application-test.properties

Testing Configurations

Unit and Mock Tests

Files with Test in their names (e.g., InventoryControllerTest.java) utilize an H2 in-memory database, as specified in application-test.properties:


Integration Tests

Files with IT in their names (e.g., InventoryControllerIT.java) use PostgreSQL via Testcontainers, configured in application-integration-test.properties:


The Maven Failsafe Plugin is used to execute these tests:


Testing the Inventory Entity

Unit Testing with InventoryServiceTest

In this example, we use Mockito to mock InventoryRepository and ApplicationEventPublisher, testing isolated business logic in the InventoryService class. Here, we ensure the addStock method functions correctly while also checking the emitted events.

public class InventoryServiceTest {
    private InventoryRepository inventoryRepository;
    private ApplicationEventPublisher applicationEventPublisher;
    private InventoryService inventoryService;
    void addStock_ShouldIncreaseInventoryAndPublishEvent() {
        verify(applicationEventPublisher, times(1)).publishEvent(new StockAddedEvent(1L, 10));

Mock Testing with InventoryControllerTest

In mock testing, we isolate the controller by using @WebMvcTest and mocking the InventoryService. This testing setup enables simulating controller behavior with the mocked service. This allows us to focus on controller logic without involving actual database interactions:

public class InventoryControllerTest {
    private MockMvc mockMvc;
    private InventoryService inventoryService;
    void getAllInventories_ShouldReturnAllInventories() throws Exception {
        final List<Inventory> inventories = Arrays.asList(inventory);

Repository Testing with InventoryRepositoryTest

@DataJpaTest sets up a test environment for repository logic in a lightweight manner. Here, we directly test the InventoryRepository to ensure data correctness. This ensures that JPA transactions and entity management are functioning as expected:

public class InventoryRepositoryTest {
    private TestEntityManager entityManager;
    private InventoryRepository inventoryRepository;
    public void whenSaveInventory_thenFindById() {
        // Create and persist the entities
        final Author author = new Author("Jane Austen");
        // Verify persistence and retrieval
        final Inventory found = inventoryRepository.findById(inventory.getId()).orElse(null);

Integration Testing with InventoryControllerIT

Integration tests in Spring Boot combine various components to validate their interactions, achieved with @SpringBootTest. This example validates that the inventory data persists correctly across different layers. Our integration tests ensure that the application components work correctly together. These tests run with a real database setup, replicating a production-like environment:

public class InventoryControllerIT {
    private MockMvc mockMvc;
    private InventoryRepository inventoryRepository;
    void getAllInventories_ShouldReturnAllInventories() throws Exception {


Embracing TDD in Spring Boot not only enforces a disciplined approach to development but also ensures that each component is rigorously tested, resulting in a more robust and error-resistant application. Each type of test serves a unique purpose, together providing a comprehensive coverage across all layers of the application.

Coffee Time!

Happy coding!

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